Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Big White SUV

This is also a true story and will probably make a few of you feel better....remember Schadenfreude?  Has anybody out there ever gone to their car and tried to use their key-less remote to unlock the doors and find that the remote doesn't work?  You try and try and then you realize that you are at the wrong car?  (Well, a lot of cars do look alike these days.)  Anyway, I have not only done that, but I have gotten IN the wrong car before.  Why it was unlocked, I have no clue.  I was with my sister and we came out of a restaurant (I had not had a drop to drink, I swear).  We walked out and I got in the passenger side of her Big White SUV. Only, she didn't get in. Before I knew it, she was outside my window and her mouth was yappin'......I rolled down the window and she said....That is not my car!!!! Get out!!!!  We still laugh about that one. 

Just an aside.....this one worried me, so I asked my Neurologist friend if I might be getting Alzheimer's and he said that you will know you have Alzheimer's when you don't remember how to DRIVE a car....just saying.

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