Thursday, March 31, 2011

What Were We Thinking?

         I love this card.  Inside it says...."What were we thinking?"  Pretty much says it all. 

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Remember when your kids were little and you couldn't get enough of them?  I do. I could have eaten those little girls up.  They were adorable and sweet and cuddly.  You could make things better for them with a hug and a cookie.  And, then they turn into teenagers.  I think teenagers are God's (or the Universe's) way of weening us off of our kids.  When they are little, there is no way you could ever imagine letting them leave your nest.  But, by the time they are ready to go to college, you can picture it, no problem.  You might even feel like nudging them out of the nest. And, they are ready to go. It is the way it is supposed to be.  They are not supposed to be with you forever.  Your job was to get them ready to fly. So, when they start making you a little crazy, remember, you have done your job.  They are asserting their independence. So, my two beautiful!!!! Just come home once in a while.

Saturday, March 26, 2011


So, I don't know if you have ever been to therapy?  I have, once or twice.....I was still trying to get over that being adopted from a tribe thing!  Anyway, no offense to any of you therapists out there.  I am sure you do a great job!  But, I am not convinced that sitting week after week hashing and re-hashing the same old stuff is that good for you. Get over it!  My idea of therapy is a daily walk with a couple of my good friends.  I can't tell you how many problems we solve on those daily walks.  We vent, we laugh, we commiserate, we support one another through rough times.  And, by doing so, we find we all have the same issues.  And, at the same time, we are getting some exercise! Dual purpose.......How can you beat that?   One thing, though....there has to be a Walking Code of Silence.  Anything said on our daily walks may not be repeated.  Give it a try.......I think you will love it!!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Elizabeth Taylor

The beloved Elizabeth Taylor passed away a couple of days ago. What a life that lady lived!  I heard on the news today that her funeral, which was held yesterday, started 15 minutes late.  That was because she had specified in her will that she wanted to be late to her own funeral. Now that is GENIUS!  Way to go out......that is a woman with spunk. May she rest in peace. 

Almost A Genius

I am Almost a Genius.  I know this to be true because I took one of those IQ tests on the Internet.  I was so excited with the results.  I AM smarter than I look! Told you so!  My husband had the gall to say to me...."Linda, if you were almost a genius, I think we would have known it by now".  Can you believe it?  He burst my bubble big time.  He is probably right. That level of brilliance would have most likely revealed itself before my mid-50's. You have heard of Dumbing Down?  I think those IQ tests do the opposite. Big bummer.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Real Housewives of Orange County, what is up with these Housewives?  The ones from Orange County, New York, Palm name it!! They are the REAL housewives?  Do they resemble anyone you know?  You have to be kidding!!!  Come to my town and I will show you some real housewifes!!! Women to admire and emulate.  Women that do the best that they can for their families, their friends, and in their communities. Women who support one another.  Not one of them has ever turned over a table, as far as I know!!  Really????  Just saying.......

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Big White SUV

This is also a true story and will probably make a few of you feel better....remember Schadenfreude?  Has anybody out there ever gone to their car and tried to use their key-less remote to unlock the doors and find that the remote doesn't work?  You try and try and then you realize that you are at the wrong car?  (Well, a lot of cars do look alike these days.)  Anyway, I have not only done that, but I have gotten IN the wrong car before.  Why it was unlocked, I have no clue.  I was with my sister and we came out of a restaurant (I had not had a drop to drink, I swear).  We walked out and I got in the passenger side of her Big White SUV. Only, she didn't get in. Before I knew it, she was outside my window and her mouth was yappin'......I rolled down the window and she said....That is not my car!!!! Get out!!!!  We still laugh about that one. 

Just an aside.....this one worried me, so I asked my Neurologist friend if I might be getting Alzheimer's and he said that you will know you have Alzheimer's when you don't remember how to DRIVE a car....just saying.


I used to be a pretty good speller. But, not so much any more. Please forgive me for any spelling errors.  I think that my spelling ability has gotten up and left the building along with my memory. I guess I just don't remember HOW to spell.  I sometimes make words up, too.  Just for affect. Or is it effect?  I don't recall.  I know, I know,  SPELL CHECK.  I will try to remember to use it.  Thanks for your patience.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Everybody's Crazy

My husband has this theory that if you know anybody well enough, you will find out they are crazy. Not literally crazy, but lets say, quirky. I think he might be right. Sometimes we play this little game....Name the most normal couple you know. We come up with someone and then we think, well, not so fast.....aren't they the ones who won't eat anything that has been homogenized, pasteurized, glutenized or any other IZED word.  Cross them off the list.  Then we come up with another couple.  Again, not so fast. Aren't they the ones who, you name it........fill in the blank. No offense to anyone out there, as I am quite sure we have been crossed off a few lists ourselves. See, the only people who are "normal" are the ones we don't know very well. We are all a little quirky. Think about it.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Truth Is Stanger Than Fiction

This is one of my favorite sayings.  It speaks to me.....I guess because I am a realist.  I could never get into the whole Romance Novel thing. Nor the Vampire craze. Hello, they are not REAL!! There are so many interesting things happening in the world for real.  If you don't think that Truth is Stranger than Fiction, then I just have one word for you...well, two words....Charlie Sheen.
I am just saying......

Dark Chocolate

Ok...have you ever noticed how there has been a huge surge in the popularity of dark chocolate?  Someone came out with the notion that dark chocolate is better for you than milk chocolate.  Some experts even claim that it has health heart health.  Hello people!!.....Not when it is covering ooey-gooey caramel or toffee that is 100% sugar and butter.  They are talking about the bitter kind of dark chocolate that you bake with.  Have you ever tasted that stuff? It is barely edible. You are not getting me to eat that stuff....why bother?  I have a better solution to finding the health benefits of chocolate.  My drug of choice is Peanut M & Ms.  I have somehow convinced myself that the tiny little peanut inside makes it ok for me to eat massive quantities of them....after all, aren't peanuts good for you?  Aren't they a good source of protein?  You will never get me to eat that bitter chocolate, but I do make concessions for Peanut M & Ms.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Unconditional Love

Have you ever noticed how you show your worst side to your loved ones and the people you are the closest too? I'm just would never act that way in public or with friends or acquaintances.  I know you cannot be on your best behavior all of the time, but  I, for one, could probably try a little harder.  My family sees me at my the morning, stressed, tired, in the morning again. You name it. I guess that is unconditional love, and we take that for granted.  But, I will try and treat my loved ones the way I treat my friends and the way I like to be treated.  I will definitely work on this one. And, I could probably use a new robe, certainly wouldn't hurt.

Another Middle Child Story

So not only was I the middle child in a family of 3 girls, but I was also the only brunette.  My two sisters are blonds.  Well, I guess I should say that they used to be blonds.  Right now, it is pretty hard to tell what color anybody's hair is or was.   And, on top of it, I was the tallest.  Now, we do not come from a family of large people.....and I am the tallest at 5'5".  Not like I'm a giant.  But, my sisters are at least a couple of inches shorter than I am.  So, in photos, they always put me in the middle....this large, dark haired, gangly girl.  I looked like the BIG Girl.  They also used to tell me that I was adopted from a tribe somewhere.  Not nice!!  But, the truth is, I like my position in the family. I am perfectly situated.  It built character.  I am just where I want to be.....Just saying........

Middle Child

I am the middle child in a family of 3 girls.  Tell me that is not a tough spot?   I always tell people that I am in the middle between the Homecoming Queen and the Overachiever. (This is a compliment....they are both truly awesome).  It is true!! Don't get me wrong, I am not a total nobody, but one of my sisters was the Homecoming Queen and the other one is the Overachiever. On top of it, they were both cheerleaders, song girls, or whatever the highest ranking, most popular girls in the school were.  I was the "substitute cheerleader".  That meant that I had to go to every practice and learn every cheer just in case.  One lucky day in 8th grade, someone got sick and I actually got to cheer at a game.  Best day of my life!!!  And, I was damn good too,  if I do say so myself.  So, maybe my sister's school days are a big blur of one game after another.  But, I have that one special game to remember, in my mind forever, or until I get Alzheimer' how is that for making lemonade out of lemons?

Rogue Hairs back to the lighter stuff.........Have you ever noticed those rogue hairs on your face?  Anyone in the 50ish-about, age group will be able to relate.  Where do they come from?  They seem to come out of nowhere. You can look in the mirror one day and things seem to be ok, no signs of trouble anywhere.  Of course, this is without reading glasses on.  The next day, you can look again, and holy cow!!  A hair the size of  Texas is looking back at you.  Someone I know....not using names here.......has a chin whisker that she lies in wait for.  The minute she feels the stubble, out it goes.  Me, I get the super soft  and fine ones on my upper lip that you don't notice until they are brushing your lower lip or worse, your chin.  How embarrassing!! How long has that been there?  I will never know.....I had one growing out of my shoulder one was about 6 inches long. This is the honest to goodness truth. To this day, I have no idea where it came from and how it grew overnight. I think it was transplanted there.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Everything is not as it appears to be......

Have you ever noticed how it seems like everyone else is in a better place than you are?  They seem to be richer, smarter, prettier, more whatever.....(you name it)....than you are.  Well, don't believe it.  You know that couple down the block that looks like they have it all?  They could be in horrible debt, their marriage could be falling apart, their kids could be having issues.  Would they tell you?  No!! Of course not.  We all want everyone else to think that we have our stuff together.  But, truth be told, we are all in the same boat.  We all have with issues, money issues, family issues.  No one is exempt.  No one gets a hall pass.  And, if someone tells you that their life is perfect, they are not being truthful.  The truth is that we are all struggling, all trying to do the best we can with whatever we have.  I am not trying to be a pessismist, but a realist.  The truth is, that I feel better when I know others have their struggles, too.  I feel way better!!  Put that in your bonnet.

World Peace now I am getting a little out there.  I will get back to the fun stuff soon.  I will also add pictures as soon as I figure out how to do that.  But, I just don't get this about the world.....WAR.....Anybody out there have the same thought?  I do not get the fighting over territories, countries, religions, etc.  Everyone just stay in their own moving!!!  If you have a country, don't try to take anyone elses. If it is not yours, you cannot have it. Share and be respectful of each other's space.  We learned this in kindergarten!  Maybe this is a juvenile way of looking at the world, but I just don't get the fighting in the world and the concept of war.  What a waste.  Can't we just talk it out?  I know, that is what President Obama thought, too, and look where we are.  I guess there is no easy answer to this one.   Just saying......again, Peace and Love.


You know that bumper sticker that says, COEXIST?  I think I should get one for my car.  When I say that it is God's way, as previously mentioned in my blog, maybe I mean it is the Universe's Way.  I don't know.  Sometimes I don't really know what I believe.  I also don't care about what other's believe, per se.  I know that horrible atrocities have been performed in the name of religion. This has been true throughout history.  I get that.  I am not talking about those nut-jobs.  I am talking about anyone who wants to practice their religion privately and peacefully without pushing their beliefs onto others or squelching anyone else's freedom.  I don't care who, why or when you worship as long as it does not get in the way of anyone else's rights to do the same.  So, COEXIST.  Peace and love.

Reading Glasses

One thought leads to another....maybe I have AADD.  Anyway, now that I am 50ish,  my eyesight is just gone....I mean my close-up vision.  This is actually a blessing.  I think the eyesight thing is God's way of making us feel better about ourselves.  When I look in the mirror, I see this sort of fuzzy, diffuse person looking back at me.  I look pretty good.  My skin looks good, there is a healthy glow, I like what I see.  It does make putting on make-up a little challenging.  And then, HORRORS!!  I make the mistake of looking in the mirror with my glasses on, and OMG!!  Eyebrows in the wrong place, smudged eyeliner, too much blush.  Those damn lines and wrinkes, and that neck! So, I prefer to look at myself in the mirror without the reading glasses.  Someone please tell me, though, if I go out in public with lipstick all over my face.....thank you very much.

I Hate My Neck, Too

Love Nora Ephron!!  She wrote a book....I Hate My Neck.  I hate my neck, too.  It seems to be aging faster than the rest of me.  My sister's necks do not look this bad and they spent all of those years in the sun with me without sunscreen, too.  Thank god for turtlenecks!! And, black, I might add.  Nora Ephron wrote about sitting in the backseat of  a car behind the driver and seeing her neck in the rearview mirror, and being  horrified.  When I read that, I had an Ah-Ha moment.  I, too. have sat behind the driver and been horrified.  But, now I know it is the mirror!!  I might add this.....never, ever sit in the passenger seat and look at yourself in the sideview mirror.  Another horrifying experience.  They are not kidding when they say objects will look larger and closer than they appear.  Just saying.......

Creams and Lotions

Well, this thought came to mind.....Have you ever noticed how the manufacturers of all of those miraculous Skin Creams use 25 year olds on their commercials?  Heck yea, I will use your lotion if I can look like that, too!  Bring it on.  I love how these products can remove deep lines and wrinkles on a 25 year old. Put me on your commercial and lets see it work it's magic on some 55 year old wrinkles on a face that sunbathed for years without so much as a drop of sunscreen on it.  There's a challenge for you. Which reminds me, I am going to bring all of those products out from under my bathroom sink and start using them.  One at a time, I will use them up, and then I won't have to feel guilty any more for spending the money on them.

The Kardashians

Ok, so who are these people?  The afformentioned tools used for beauty enhancement have run-amuck with these people.  What do they do and why are they famous?  Have they ever heard the word, natural?  Sorry, Kardashians, to be picking on you.....I could name others.  But, my point is, are these the people we want our daughters to emulate?  Just saying......

Beautiful Girls

So, I don't know how this happened, exactly, but we have two beautiful daughters.  And, I mean gorgeous!! And, their friends are gorgeous, too.  And, THEIR friends.  Have you noticed how there are no unattractive girls out there anymore?  They have all of these "tools" at their disposal.  Teeth Whiteners, flat irons, curling irons, self-tanners, depilitories, you name it.  Boy, are they lucky!!  I wish we had all of that when we were younger.  I think we could choose from maybe two shampoos...Prell or Head and Shoulders for those of us with flakes.  I think I have maybe one old school picture that I would ever show anyone.  I somehow was having a good hair day.  I will have to dig that up.  I was cute, too....sort of.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Valentine's Day

So, thinking about Girl Scout cookies made me think of Valentine's Day.  Another one of those days that gives you license to eat chocolate.  There should be more of those!!  Anyway, for all of you out there who think they are losing their memory, here is one for you....Apparently, I gave my husband the same Valentine's card this year that I gave him last year.  How he remembered, I do not know.  It was a card with two old people on it with some kind of joke about memory loss....I really can't remember.  But, anyway, he says I  gave him the same card last year. He had to bring it to my attention.  I say at least I am consistent.  Just saying......

Girl Scout Cookies

Ok, so thank goodness Girlscout Cookie time is over. Well, in this household anyway. I guess it wouldn't be over if I ate Girlscout cookies like normal people do.  There would still be some in my pantry or my freezer where I place them hoping that I will eat them more one or two at a time.  But, they are so darn good frozen!  I do not eat Girl Scout cookies....I inhale them. One leads to another and to another until the whole box is gone. By the way, is it just me or have the boxes gotten smaller?  My friend Karen says that one roll of Thin Mints is a serving.  I think she is right.  Anyway, thank God they are all gone, or I would have to eat them to get them out of the house.  And, right after Valentine's, which is right after the holidays.  Those damn Girlscouts. No offense intended to all of you Girlscouts out there. Just saying......


Ok, so maybe you have not heard this word before.  It is a German word and here is the definition........ Schadenfreude; satisfaction or pleasure felt at someone else's misfortune. Ok, so I mentioned in my previous blog that no one gets a hall pass, a get-out-of-jail-free card or any exemption from life's little bumps.  Not that I wish mayhem upon anyone....truly, I don't.  But, when I think that others are in the same boat as myself, I feel a little better.  That is Schadenfreude. I said a LITTLE better....not a lot.  Just saying.........

Have you ever noticed?

Hi....ok, not sure if anyone will be interested, but here goes.  I was out walking today...the first sunny day in a while and that song came into my head..."I can see clearly now, the rain is gone".  Suddenly I was gripped with one of those random thoughts that go through my head, and I thought,  Hey, I wonder if anybody else has ever noticed that?  I thought maybe I should start a blog.  It would be a blog for other people out there like me.  I am a mom who has two 20 something children...two girls.  I am at that stage of life where I have raised my kids, but am struggling to figure out my next role.  I have all of this supposed wisdom to impart, yet no one who wants to listen.  I talk to my friends, and a lot of them are in the same boat. They have sort of grown up kids, (that will be another topic for another day) yet are not done parenting.  And, they are dealing with aging parents, spouses, houses, and all of the other things that make up life.  Sometimes a little humor can help to get you over the rough spots and so, I hope to be a little support group for other women like myself.  Hopefully, we will find things in common and we can have a little laugh and a little cry.  And, maybe knowing that there are others out there like ourselves, will be a little bit of help.  I hope you will join me.