Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Have you ever noticed that your "stuff" seems to multiply?  Like rabbits?  I feel like I am fighting a constant battle against the stuff of life.  Does anyone else feel this way? You know, the things that come in the mail, the things that you buy and bring into the house. The things you just can't part with and  the things the kids dump on you when they move from one place to another. And, my kids are out of the house.  Those of you with children at home probably feel like the stuff is taking over your life. Now, I am not a hoarder, but things do seem to pile up. I think we all have a tolerance for things and clutter.  Mine is pretty small.  Cluttered house, cluttered mind.  When I feel like things are piling up and taking over, I start to lose my serenity.  My house is my sanctuary and when it feels overwhelming, my sense of peace and order goes.  I have a  constant cycle of binge-purge, but not with eating....
I go out and buy all kinds of things to control the clutter.   Baskets, boxes, bins......For a time, I seem to have the clutter under control and then I feel like all of those things that I bought to control the clutter are just more "stuff" in my house.  I have bought books on organizing and simplifying and  the book by Oprah's clutter guru....Peter Walsh's, Ten Ways to De-Clutter Your Home.  It works for a while, but eventually, even the books just seem to add to the stuff.  I have a couple of areas in my house that seem to collect piles.  Sometimes I move the stuff from one pile to another. For a few brief moments, I feel like I have conquered the clutter. I think most of you know what I am talking about.  I have spent the last couple of days cleaning out.....purging if you will.  It feels good.  But, soon, more stuff will come into the house.  Like I said is a constant battle.  I may never win, but I will continue the good fight.

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